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Meet the Team Dave Renouf

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Our distillery tours wouldn't run smoothly without our expert team who guide through the whisky making journey from grain to glass. Here we find out what inspires Dave Renouf, Visitor Experience Host and hear his top tips for places to visit in the Cairngorms. 


What made you decide to work at The Cairn?

I never want to stop learning, and that was one motivation for joining the team here at The Cairn Distillery. Plus, I am an avid skier so The Cairngorms National Park was always going to be where I ended up! Snow sports are my passion and what better than to live and work so close to one of Scotland's ski resorts. 

What do you like best about your job? 

I love to share my knowledge and encourage others. As well as being a Visitor Experience Host, I've also taught swimming and sailing lessons and in a previous role I was a French and Physical Education Teacher for Secondary School children, so educating and working with people is what I love most. 

Speaking French and Italian alongside English puts me in great stead to ensure our visitors have a great experience, they love it when I can translate the tour into their own language.  I'm also incredibly passionate about whisky and Scotland, so feel like I'm in a privileged position here getting to share all of this with visitors from all over the world. 

The Cairn is an inspirational place - what has encouraged you to do? 

My role at The Cairn has inspired me to keep pushing myself to learn more about a variety of new subjects. Being in the learning zone and stretching your mind every day is a great rejuvenator! 

What do you like to do in your own time?

As I've already said, I'm an avid skier so finding snow is my favourite hobby.  I've recently been awarded an Honorary Membership of Interski International, the umbrella organisation for snow sport instructors across the world. This significant accolade is reserved for "Individual persons who have made outstanding contributions to snow sports instruction at a national or international level". It's the opportunity to share my passion for snow sports with the next generation that drives me though, I've been skiing as long as I can remember and have no plans to stop now!

As well as visiting the distillery, what would you recommend people do in the Cairngorms?

Of course, my recommendation to visitors would be to enjoy the snow sports available, but I'd also encourage you to explore everything the National Park and beyond has to offer. From the hills to the sea, Scotland is a beautiful place full of wonderful people. I'd also implore you to try out our local producers, from microgreens to large farms, chocolatiers to bakeries, there really is something for everyone to enjoy. The more local we stay, the better our green footprint will be in the future!

Dave Renouf